Monday, September 12, 2011


Im ersten Semester by Georg MuhlbergImage via WikipediaLet me take this opportunity to update you three on my life!

The Fall 2011 semester of school is raging, and by that I mean the professors of my two online classes posted the entire course-load during the very first week of the semester. School is a great deal more manageable than I remember from prior college experiences, but I think I can attribute that to my actual genuine and goal-oriented interest in the subject matter, coupled with my newly--in the last 3 years, perhaps--cultivated grown-uppiness.

I've taken to keeping up a routine, which works very well for me. I am fortunate (and unfortunate) to have only myself to care for, and so I don't have many unexpected events to interrupt my schedule.

In light of my decision to start off in a new educational direction, I've also worked in some other fine goals and habits, some with relative success. I have the time to experiment with new ways of living, so I'm working on some of the things that I always, on some level, felt I wanted to do. Boring things like regular meditation, etc.

Do you know what has recently been the biggest boon to my quality of life? Cutting back on mindless television! I've set some limits, and now I spend my extra time doing the following:
  • School work and other learning endeavors and edutainments
  • Cleaning real things and computer things
  • Fixing electronics and/or tutoring my family in how to use their smartphones
  • Playing guitar and other artist endeavors
  • Reading something
  • Thinking about technology and spirituality
  • Exercising
  • Going out into the world and looking at other people's faces while words come out of our mouths, and touching them where our arms go around each other
  • Financial planning
  • Cooking
  • Brainstorming lists like this one
  • Thinking about and occasionally writing blog posts
  • Listening to entertaining and life-affirming podcasts
  • Playing with my dog
I like using technology in ways that improve my quality of life, while avoiding it in ways that it makes me feel not good. Im'ma love you, im'ma miss you.

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  1. Going out into the world and looking at other people's faces while words come out of our mouths, and touching them where our arms go around each other

    You're weird.

  2. Why, thank you! Just a bit of subtle commentary on my hermit lifestyle.
