Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tech of the Future: Bedchambers

Where once I could sleep on any surface and in any position--not to mention in any circumstance and for nearly any length of time--as I creep  toward the end of my youth, I have lost that precious gift. Now I must perform very specific and timely bedtime rituals  in order to get my winks (which better be 8-10 hours worth or else), including but not limited to brushing and flossing, reading something, allowing at least 30 minutes of quiet time in bed, assuming a time tested side or back position, switching between those at least 4 times, sticking the landing, praying toward mecca, kissing a quartz crystal, striking animal bones together, etc. And if I try to sleep anywhere but in my own bed upon my 3-inch memory-foam pad, forget it. It's like The Princess and the Pea up in here.

In the future, I propose we have bedchambers--not the whole bedroom, per se, but an actual chamber--where we can completely customize our environment to suit individual needs. In discussing this idea with co-workers and friends, I was offered some ideas which I will now share along with my own:

  • Houses come equipped with them. They're as common an appliance as a refrigerator.
  • Soundproof to the outside world, but can wake you in an emergency or for an otherwise specified reason.
  • Wake you peacefully, in contrast to most (heinous) modern alarm clocks.
  • Custom lighting, sounds, temperatures, and smells permeate your sleeping environment according to your pre-programmed desires.
  • A plasma mattress or some kind of air cushion force cradles you perfectly.
  • Sensors adapt the environment to keep you cool/warm.
  • Can easily accommodate 2 (or more) people for sleeping and/or horizontal dancing.
  • Your settings travel with you to foreign bedchambers. There's an app for that!
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